The “Build A Website With David” Playlist
To see a complete playlist of all the currently-available videos, click or tap here. (Opens in new tab/window.)
What the Playlist is About
This “Build A Website With David” playlist is different from the other Playlists on the David’s Tutorials YouTube Channel.
In this playlist, I will present (Eventually) a programmed course of instruction and demonstration of how I build a website, from start to finish.
Just to keep things from getting overly complex, I will TALK about many other types of websites – and other options – available when building a website, but I will only build a simple website, meaning a NON-SHOPPING site, and one that does not require any interaction with a database. I will use examples from a small business website, from a blog website, from a “Brochure” type website, from a blog type website, , and from a Magazine type website.
If you are looking to build any of these types of websites, then you can probably use ALL the videos in this playlist.
How The Playlist is Organized
Because I plan to make a large but indefinite number of videos in this playlist, and because I want them to be well-organized both during the production and after it’s all done, I need to right up front impose some sort of ORGANIZATION and Categorization on these videos. So here’s how I’m currently planning to organize the videos.
First, I want each video to have a SEQUENCE NUMBER, such that any new viewer can either watch an entire category in sequence, or watch the entire series in sequence, or easily pick out related videos. Because I don’t yet know how many videos there will be in total or even in each category, I will assign sequencing numbers with gaps, to allow for new videos to be inserted wherever they need to go.
Currently, the Sequenci9ng Plan is as follows.
Items In Blue on this playlist are videos that have been completed and posted.
The PLAYLIST (Planned)
000-099 – Orientation and Philosophies
Videos in this sequence are intended to provide an orientation to this entire playlist, to give you an idea of how I came to my current state of expertise, and to share with you some of my guidelines and philosophies about building websites.
001 – Introduction
002 – History
100-199 – The Basics
Videos in this sequence address all the “Getting Started” things new website builders need to know so they can get up and running quickly. In these videos, I will also share where I have stubbed my toes in the past, and what I have found to work better than the other alternatives I have tried.
The videos planned (so far) in this sequence include:
100 – Introduction to the Basics
110 – My Web Building History – Why WordPress
120 – Power Tools – Pagebuilders – Why Divi
130 – Getting a Domain Name – About Registrars
140 – Getting a Web Host – About Hosting Providers
150- Setting Up the Website
- The DNS Address of your Host
- Setting the DNS at your Domain Registrar
- Installing WordPress
- Installing A Theme
160 Performing Regular Maintenance Updates
162 Recovering a Page – from corruption or loss
167 How to Clean Up the WP Media Library
200-299 – Building Multiple Websites
Videos in this sequence address the needs of and advice for people who will be building multiple websites, not just one.
Videos in this sequence are planned (so far) to be:
200 – Orientation to Building Multiple Websites
210 – Why You Might Want to Build Multiple Websites
220 – Various Ways to set up Multiple Sites with your Web Host; Why I use a Reseller Plan
300-399 – Building a Single Website
Videos in this sequence will include most of the steps you need to build a simple site set up. Videos planned (so far) for this sequence include:
305 – Setting up ADMIN Account(s) on your Site
310 – Setting up Email(s) for your site; Accessing site emails through WebMail
315 – Accessing Site Emails from an email client
320 – Building Your Site Structure and Purpose – NOT on the Site (On Paper)
- Purpose and Mission of the site (Important!)
- Determine whether home page is a page or a blog
- Determine which other pages should be on the site and where they will go in the menu structure; this includes some “standard” suggestions for pages in a typical website
- Begin gathering content (text and images)
325 – What To Do First (after installing the Theme)
- Create a Child Theme – and Why
- Create a Backup Routiine – and Why
- Install Other Plugins – Suggestions
330 – Where To Get Images For your Website
- Buy them
- Create them
- Hire them
- Harvest Them
335 – Initial Site Setup
- First, Build your Home Page. See video #___ for details
- Build all other pages as blanks
- Create your Menu System
340 -The Basic STRUCTURE of a Web Page
- Header
- Body
- Footer
- Templates
345 – Building a Home Page (Static)
350 – Building a Home Page (Blog)
400-449 – Building the Internal Pages
All pages except the Home Page are called INTERNAL Pages. In this sequence, I will show you the thoughts behind a number of different types of internal pages, and how to build each one.
The types of internal pages planned (so far) to be in this sequence include:
405 – The ABOUT US page
510 – The Products and/or Services Page
415 – The FAQ Page
420 – The CONTACT US Page (simple)
425 -The CONTACT US Page (advanced)
530 – A Miscellaneous Internal Page (Clone Existing Page
550-599 – Editing Web Pages
The videos in this sequence will be short videos describing how to EDIT Existing Web Pages, or how to make specific changes such as vor dedicated plugins.
555 – Editing Text on a Web Page
557 – Adding INTERNAL LINKS to a Page
560 – Adding an EVENT to the Events Calendar by Pee-Aye Creative
561 – Linking a BUTTON to a PDF (Or updating the link)
562 – Adding a PDF to a NEW Button
570 – Mastering the WordPress Media Library
600-649 – Website Maintenance and Repair
602 – Regular Necessary Maintenance
620 – Fixing a Crashed WordPress Website