Ever since I began cooking on my own – as I remember it, it was chili in an electric frying pan at Laredo AFB in Texas – I’ve been looking for great recipes, ways of cooking that are truly delicious, and techniques to make the chore of cooking into a delightful pastime.

In this category of tutorials, I will share with you the tips, tricks, recipes, pointers, and shortcuts I have picked up and developed along the way. Some of these will apply to you, some probably wont. That’s okay. Feel free to pick and choose which ones you watch, and please help us spread the word by sharing the ones you like or find useful. Also, if you have a request or suggestion about food or cooking, please let us know on our CONTACT US page, or in a comment on one of the videos.

How to Fix the BEST STEAK Ever!

Three Easy and YUMMY Snacks!

Bakin’ BACON!

How to Make YAM STRINGS!

How to Use a BUTTER BELL

How to Soften Butter in the Microwave

Cleaning Burned-on Grease from Stainless Steel

Browned Butter (YUMM!)

(Playlist – All)

Savory Buttered Pecans!

Best Steak EVER! – PART 2

Make a CRUSTLESS Pizza!